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Hockey News: Hockey player Akash Chikte banned for 2 years

India goalkeeper Akash Chikte has been handed a two-year suspension for a positive test for steroid Nandrolone in an out-of-competition test. The sample was collected on February 27 this year with the B sample tested in April. The final hearing by the Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel was held on August 16 this year and the decision came on October 3 that also mentions the period of suspension commencing from March 27, 2018, when the player was provisionally suspended after the first review. According to the NADA report, Chike's sample was collected during random checking at the national camp in Bengaluru and tested positive for Nandrolone beyond acceptable limits. With the B sample also tested positive, Chikte contended that he had taken injections prescribed by a doctor in Yavatmal for pain in his left foot after being hit during the camp.


  • Released : 21-Oct-2018


  • PS Exclusive