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Sports News : IOA treasurer talks to PS; says putting clause in Sports Code completely Ministry's call

It very well seems like the Sports Ministry has come out with all its ‘power’ and ‘potential’ to shield Indian Olympic Association (IOA) and National Sports Federations (NSFs) and brought the changes to the provisions governing National Sports Development Code of India 2011 (NSDCI) by raking in a ‘relaxation’ clause, which will ‘guard’ any sort of actions on IOA and NSFs from outside. The new ‘relaxation’ clause issued by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports will give power to the government to relax any of the provisions of NSDCI 2011 and other instructions issued with regard to recognition of NSFs, renewal of NSFs on annual basis and governance and management of IOA and NSFs amongst others. However, the reasons for such relaxation shall be recorded in writing. The relaxation clause has been added as provision at No.16 under the Heading of Relaxation Clause of the Sports Code 2011. The recent decision by sports ministry did not go well with petitioner Rahul Mehra, who reacted angrily and put out two tweets tagging PM Narendra Modi. Countering Rahul Mehra’s argument, IOA treasurer Anandeshwar Pandey said that whatever happened, happened for good and this clause is prolific for IOA as well as National Sports Federations.


  • Released : 05-Feb-2021


  • PS Exclusive