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Football: Mourinho apologised for 'Gary' blunder - Southgate

Gareth Southgate revealed that Jose Mourinho has apologised for calling him 'Gary' in a news conference. Southgate: "[Jose Mourinho] messaged me privately to apologise. I knew because he's called me Gary before in a media conference a few years ago, so I kind of knew. Goodness me, we have coaches coming here who can speak four or five languages, to get every nuance of that right, I have huge admiration for the way they deal with that frankly. I've got O Level Spanish and French, but that's my limit. I had no issue with that at all, there's only one Gareth [Bale] he's got to get right and he'll score all the goals for him this year. From my point of view, it's not an issue at all."


  • Released : 09-Oct-2020


  • Football, Viral