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Basketball: Magic Johnson urges NBA players to unite to order to force 'real change'

Magic Johnson and commissioner Adam Silver discussed how the NBA can use their platform to address racism. Magic Johnson: “Going back to play basketball is not going to stop the protests. I think it could even give it some more juice because of the big platform that the players have in the NBA. The guys have got to understand that this is a chance to sit down together and bring about change and how they can do that as a group. They can do it as individuals in the cities and states that they play in and live in. But also too, they can get together and say, ‘Let’s support this group’, or ‘Let’s do this together’, or ‘Let’s create this together’. It’s not going to stop the movement, you have to remember that this is a worldwide movement and so nothing’s going to stop, it will continue. When the guys are there, let’s get together, huddle up, let’s plan something really strong so that when we’re done, Adam [Silver], the players, Michele Roberts, everybody can stand there and say ‘Hey, this is what we decided to do and it’s going to bring real change in the inner cities, in urban America, where we live, where we play. This is going to bring some real change’. That’s what I want to see happen.”


  • Released : 18-Jun-2020


  • Multi Sport, Viral