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Football: Second-placed Napoli thrash Parma 4-0 in Serie A

Napoli consolidated second place in Serie A following a 4-0 away win over Parma. Piotr Zielinski opened the scoring for Carlo Ancelotti's men, exchanging passes with Elseid Hysaj before curling the ball beyond goalkeeper Luigi Sepe in the 18th minute. Arkadiusz Milik got the first of two goals in the 36th when he curled a free kick into the bottom corner. For the second, in the 73rd minute, the Polish striker capitalised on a wayward backpass. Substitute Adam Ounas added a fourth goal just two minutes after his introduction to complete the rout. Napoli are still 13 points adrift of league leaders Juventus, who earlier secured a 1-0 victory at Bologna.


  • Released : 25-Feb-2019


  • Football, Right - Now