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Cricket News : Asia Cup 2022 to be held in UAE instead of Sri Lanka

UAE will host the 2022 Asia Cup, the competition, which will take place between August 27 and September 11, will continue to be hosted by Sri Lanka.

Jay Shah, the Asian Cricket Council President, quoted as saying in a press release on Wednesday:

Every effort was made to host the Asia Cup in Sri Lanka and the decision to shift the venue to the UAE was taken after much deliberation. The UAE will be the new venue while Sri Lanka will continue to retain hosting rights.

The lack of food and fuel supplies has caused Sri Lanka to experience one of its greatest crises. Australia and Pakistan have still been to the nation to play bilateral cricket there, but since the Asia Cup is a multi-team competition, the difficulties of hosting it in the middle of the country's economic crisis proved to be a little too much.

SLC chief executive officer Ashley de Silva said

Hosting two teams is not the same as hosting ten teams

You have to provide ten buses with fuel for all of them. You have to give every team a luggage van with fuel, and transport for the managers. You also have to give the sponsors transport and ensure that they are getting the mileage that they want from their sponsorship. The fuel for the generators to run the floodlights will also have to be found.

The monsoon season, which lasts from June through September over most of the Indian subcontinent, left the ACC with few possibilities for backup locations. The UAE has shown to be a successful location in terms of infrastructure and mobility,

However, late August and early September typically experience severe temperatures of above 40�C with humidity also being expected to be an issue.

The Asia Cup, which was last hosted in 2018, will be played this time in a T20 format as a lead-up to the World Cup in October. The qualifying round will begin with contests between the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The victor advances to the main event where they will face Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and Pakistan.

Date of Match

Teams 1 Name

Teams 2 Name

27th August 2022

Sri Lanka


28th August 2022



29th August 2022



30th August 2022



1st September 2022

Sri Lanka


2nd September 2022



3rd September 2022

Group A1

Group B2

5th September 2022

Group B1

Group A2

6th September 2022

Group A1

Group A2

7th September 2022

Group B1

Group B2

8th September 2022

Group A1

Group B1

9th September 2022

Group A2

Group B2

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  • Released : 28-Jul-2022


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