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Chess News : AICF faces wrath of internal politics, secretary clarifies as blame game reaches crescendo

The secretary of All India Chess Federation Mr. Bharat Singh Chauhan has clarified his stance in a recent incident where following a major controversy the chief of the Selection Committee of All India Chess Federation (AICF) Grandmaster R.B. Ramesh had resigned. Mr. Bharat Singh Chauhan repudiated all the allegations filed against him saying that a cheap publicity stunt has been made by Vijay Deshpande and PR Venkatraja Rama by alleging that he was trying to help a Delhi player and that it is just because of him that Grandmaster R.B. Ramesh has resigned. According to Mr. Chauhan, the players were informed about their selection for the FIDE Online Chess Olympiad only after having a detailed discussion with the selection committee, which was done on 2nd July, 2020. He continued that Grandmaster R.B. Ramesh resigned because of Vijay Deshpande, who had sent a parallel team that did not qualify for the criteria.


  • Released : 15-Jul-2020


  • PS Exclusive